Jun 28 – Jul 2 all-day Hof De Planis
 5 Day Retreat in the Swiss Alps! An all inclusive opportunity to study, dance and enjoy a magical experience with Sadie and dancers from around the world. Fresh air, organic vegetarian food, breath-taking views and[...]
Jun 27 – Jul 1 all-day Hof De Planis
 5 Day Retreat in the Swiss Alps! An all inclusive opportunity to study, dance and enjoy a magical experience with Sadie and dancers from around the world. Fresh air, organic vegetarian food, breath-taking views and[...]
Apr 11 – Apr 14 all-day
Gulf Coast Raks!!!
Sep 23 – Sep 29 all-day
Sadie will be offering workshops and performances in Brazil with Revista Shimmie!
Nov 13 – Nov 20 all-day
Join Sadie & Anasma for a once in a lifetime retreat experience in the paradise of Goa, India. Then follow us to Mumbai, the home of Bollywood, for an exciting weekend of dance! Hosted by[...]
Jul 15 – Jul 22 all-day
Egyptian Bellydance Festival!! Immerse yourself in Egyptian culture and train with Sadie and Master Egyptian Legends in Egypt! Over 40 hours of workshops, Crazy Surprises, Crazy Parties! Touring! Costumes! Shopping! Competitions, Live Orchestra Shows and[...]

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