開催延期のお知らせ コロナウイルスの感染拡大の防止によりイベントは延期開催をすることに決定致しました。 日程は調整中です。 皆様にはご迷惑をお掛けしておりますが、ご理解ご協力のほどを どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 【延期のお知らせ】 日本(東京、福岡)でのWSとショーは 新型コロナウイルスの世界拡大による状況の中、渡航制限等によりSadieの来日が困難な為、大変申し訳ございませんが延期。となりました。 新しい日程に関しましては只今調整中です。 なお、現在WSの受付は行っておりません。 既にWSをお申込みの方には個別にご連絡いたします。 ご迷惑、ご心配をおかけしておりますが、なにとぞご了承、ご理解のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。 この件に関するお問い合わせは sadieasiatourjapan@gmail.com までお願いいたします。(日本語対応)
RAQS FLOW LEVEL 2 Intensive training and certification in Denver, Colorado October 24-October 27, 2019 A continuation of Level 1, you must have participated in Level 1 (you did not have to test). 27 hours[...]
Join Sadie & Jade El Jabel | 1 Day ~ Online BellyDance Event and Party! Theme ~ Poetry In Motion! Jade and Sadie will offer workshops focusing on technique, drills and combinations to help you get[...]
The last and final year of The Massive! Don’t miss it!! 15 hours of Intensive Training! Join Sadie with an epic lineup of dancers at the 2023 finale of The Las Vegas Tribal Massive https://themegamassive.com/workshops/
Join Sadie and guest artists at River City Raqs in Jacksonville, Florida!!! https://www.bellydancejax.com/events-1/river-city-raqs-2023
Saturday, April 29th, 12:30-3:30pm | Doors at 12:15pm LOCATION: Omni Ballroom, Jason St Englewood, CO Hello Denver Friends and dancers! After a long local hiatus I am so thrilled to offer this workshop! We will[...]
Sadie’s only visit to Europe in 2023! Don’t miss it! https://www.orientaldancemeeting.com/
Ignite your senses and super charge your energy! This all levels dance movement, qi gong, and sound healing workshop will help you ground, center and tap into the sensual, creative abundance that is your body. We[...]
2023 Cairo Shimmy Quake is HERE!!!! https://cairoshimmyquake.com/home/information/
Basma Dance & Fitness is proud to host the Bellydance Queen Sadie! Take a trip back in time with this one of a kind workshop to learn technique and combos inspired by the Golden Era[...]
Join Sadie and amazing artists in Dallas, Texas for Yalla Raqs Belly Dance Festival
Saturday, August 26th, 11am-5pm | Doors at 10:45am Early Bird Pricing through July 15th: $150 Location Englewood, CO You will receive an email with location info upon registration. Check your spam box, email me at sadie.bellydancer@gmail.com if you don’t[...]
Belly Dance Retreat with Sadie in New Zealand! Hosted by the incredible Phoenix! https://www.phoenixbellydance.co.nz/retreat-2023
This is going to be an extraordinary musical event featuring a lineup of the finest Middle Eastern musicians Colorado has to offer, plus very special guest, world-class belly dancer, Sadie Marquardt! Featuring: Beth Quist, Ariana[...]
Friday Dec. 8th | 7pm-9:30pm Join Sadie Marquardt for this fun Intro to Belly Dance Workshop with Hafla.This workshop will be great for beginners and all levels looking to get moving and shaking. Hafla is[...]
Saturday, Dec.16th, 11am-1pm | Doors at 10:45am Hello Denver Friends and dancers! I am so thrilled to offer another local workshop! Let’s stay warm and shimmy our way out of 2023! I will be focusing on[...]
Almost SOLD OUT! Join Sadie & Zoe Jakes for an incredible weekend of dance that will start your year off with a bang! Saturday, January 20th 11:00-1:00pm SADIE – Modern Baladi (3 spots left) Learn[...]
Join Sadie at one of America’s greatest Belly Dance Fetsivals AOTB 2024!!! We bring all genre’s and levels of belly dancers together to experience the warm, friendly and supportive atmosphere that is Art of the[...]
Join Sadie, Simon & Kamrah for an incredible weekend of dance workshop and performance! SHOW Friday, April 12th NIGHTS ON THE NILE SHOW | TICKETS HERE WORKSHOPS EARLY BIRD PRICE $185 FULL PACK!!!! Saturday, April[...]
A Performance Spectacular featuring Empress Dance Collective. April 12th | 7:30pm-9:30pm | Doors at 7:00pm Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Theater 119 Park Ave W, Denver, CO 80205 Tickets **Your name will be added to the[...]
Join Sadie and Mahdy for a weekend of workshops and Gala Show
Join Sadie in Spain for one of the biggest and best belly dance festivals, ODM Oriental Dance Meeting (ODM), a meeting to share experiences and knowledge between lovers of oriental dance. Our mission is to[...]
Egyptian Bellydance Festival!! Immerse yourself in Egyptian culture and train with Sadie and Master Egyptian Legends in Egypt! Over 40 hours of workshops, Crazy Surprises, Crazy Parties! Touring! Costumes! Shopping! Competitions, Live Orchestra Shows and[...]
Join Sadie in Orlando for this amazing event full of workshops and performances!!
Raqs Flow Level 1 Bellydance Training & Certification is now available online!