Las Vegas, Mega Massive
Mar 12 – Mar 19 all-day

The last and final year of The Massive!  Don’t miss it!!

15 hours of Intensive Training!

Join Sadie with an epic lineup of dancers at the 2023 finale of The Las Vegas Tribal Massive


River City Raqs, Jacksonville, Florida
Mar 24 – Mar 26 all-day

Join Sadie and guest artists at River City Raqs in Jacksonville, Florida!!!


Belly Dance workshop with Sadie, Denver, CO @ Omni Ballroom Jason S. Englewood
Apr 29 @ 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Belly Dance workshop with Sadie, Denver, CO @ Omni Ballroom Jason S. Englewood

Saturday, April 29th, 12:30-3:30pm | Doors at 12:15pm

LOCATION: Omni Ballroom, Jason St Englewood, CO

Hello Denver Friends and dancers!  After a long local hiatus I am so thrilled to offer this workshop!

We will drill my latest techniques drills and combos. We will do a little of everything, Drum Solo, Baladi, Pop Shabbi and more.

I will also have some costumes and teaching gear for sale at great prices!

This workshop will be offered at the intermediate level. High beginners are welcome to join in and even the most advanced dancers will appreciate the attention to detail.

Price: $35 pre-registration HERE. Will increase to $45 after April 27th

Location email will be sent upon registration.

ODM Festival, Spain
May 12 – May 14 all-day

Sadie’s only visit to Europe in 2023!  Don’t miss it!


Sensual Flow ~ Movement, Qi Gong, Yoga, Breath Work and Sound | Ft. Collins, CO @ The Movement Apothecary
May 21 @ 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Ignite your senses and super charge your energy! This all levels dance movement, qi gong, and sound healing workshop will help you ground, center and tap into the sensual, creative abundance that is your body. 

We know how much of a demand there is on your time and attention, and you may feel too tired and drained to do much with the little you have left for yourself. 

Baheya and Sadie will guide you on a journey, elevating your mind, body and spirit with inspiring practices you can begin to incorporate into your daily life. 

When we set the intention to give ourselves the love and care we so easily give to others, we feel energized, fulfilled and our lives and relationships become richer, deeper and ON purpose! 

We invite you to join us and be part of the special gathering of women! We will dance, breathe, laugh and share in the love of self and each other!

Cairo Shimmy Quake, Los Angeles, CA
Jun 1 – Jun 4 all-day

2023 Cairo Shimmy Quake is HERE!!!!

Denver, CO Belly Dance Gold @ Basma Dance & Fitness
Jun 10 @ 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Basma Dance & Fitness is proud to host the Bellydance Queen 👑Sadie!
Take a trip back in time with this one of a kind workshop to learn technique and combos inspired by the Golden Era of bellydance.
Sadie will share the most important hallmark moves that signify the Golden Era of Bellydance, that was at its height in the the 1940s-50s of Egyptian dance and cinema. These moves created the global love and fascination with bellydance. Knowing these techniques will unlock the language of Raqs Sharqi. Sadie will then put it all into a few fun combos for you 🌟
$45 early bird
$55 after May 10th
Level: Intermediate and up
Denver Vintage Vibes Workshop Sampler
Aug 26 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Saturday, August 26th, 11am-5pm | Doors at 10:45am

Early Bird Pricing through July 15th: $150

Location Englewood, CO
You will receive an email with location info upon registration. Check your spam box, email me at [email protected] if you don’t get it.

Dear Denver Friends and dancers!  I am thrilled to offer this workshop sampler featuring some of Denvers greatest talent! Vintage Belly Dance is an era that continues to captivate hearts and imaginations! In this workshop sampler you will get 4 different styles!

4 exciting workshops

Vintage American Cabaret

Golden Era Egyptian

1970’s Turkish

Vintage Egyptian Flavor

Tentative Schedule (subject to change)

11:00-12:25 Workshop 1

12:30-1:45 Workshop 2


2:15-3:30 Workshop 3

3:35-4:50 Workshop 4

What to bring

Zills, a veil, a skirt (can be work over your pants) dance shoes for comfort, and also a pair of heels if you’d like to try dancing in heels which was very vintage style. Feel free to dress up!

Water and snacks. You will have 30 minutes break in the middle fo the event.

We will offer light vending of costumes and items!

This workshop will be offered at the intermediate level. High beginners are welcome to join in and even the most advanced dancers will enjoy!

Price: $150 pre-registration. Will increase to $175 after April July 15th

LOCATION: Englewood, CO

Location email will be sent upon registration.

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